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Sanan Hasanov has worked for more than twelve years in the Banking sector in Azerbaijan. He is the professional Marketing Director certified by Niderland Marketing Institute (NIMA Marketing A and B). Also, Sanan is Professional Certified Coach by ICF. He is in the sphere of Blockchain and cryptocurrency since 2015. Participated in different projects, also acting as a trainer and consultant in this area. Sanan Hasanov is the General Coordinator of the Wegros project.
Elnur Yaraliyev has been working in thΓΌ government and private sector of Azerbaijan in the sphere of programming. He is the author of many innovative projects and ideas. Elnur continued his education in Turkey and has got the Oracle Database (OCP) and Java (OCP) International certifications. He has developed Mobeset - an international bonus trading platform. Also, he worked as an advisor in different local and international StartUps. Elnur is leading the technology and security areas at the Wegros.
Marketing Expert
Safar Abbasov is an international psychology expert. He worked in different network marketing platforms for more that 10 years. He managed and trained more than a thousand networkers locally and globally. He is the co-founder of Mobeset company and also leading the Matrix Marketing team at Wegros.